Laser protection

Laser protection

More and more lasers are being used, more powerful, more focused, on more and more sites....
The risks to people and the environment are also increasing. Unlike other technologies, with lasers it is not useful to reduce their effectiveness (reduce the power or energy, increase the size of the spot, etc.) to limit the risks, as lasers are dangerous even at very low levels of emission. A very wise person said that if a laser is good for a task, it is dangerous (and it was not a Skywalker).
So we have no choice but to put all available means of protection in place, not only for class 4 lasers.


In this category you will see all available products, but if you need laser safety advice, please visit the following pages about our services:
- laser safety training
- laser safety consultancy


Our extensive experience training and consulting in laser safety and laser protection since 2013 gives us unrivalled knowledge in Iberia. It is wrong to say it, but I don't think any company has the laser safety expertise of ProCareLight.
One consequence is that we have in-depth knowledge of the leading manufacturers of protective equipment and we work with all of them: we will not offer you what our manufacturer has, but what is most suitable on the market. This affects price, protection, visibility in case of windows or glasses, etc...


More importantly, at PCL we know how to calculate the protection levels required for each laser, focusing optics and conditions. It sounds silly, but ask other suppliers how they work out the level of protection required in each case.


Here you will find all kinds of laser protection and safety products:
- goggles
- helmets and face shields (especially welding shields)
- windows
- curtains
- panels - barriers - screens
- protection for optical tables
- cabins and custom-made enclosures
- clothing


All our materials are CE certified against the relevant EN standard (EN207, EN208, EN12254).
And if they are not, we know what tests need to be carried out to comply with EN60825.


By the way, lasers are NOT, for example, "category 4". That's nonsense, they are "class 4", safety class 4. If you think you have a category 4 laser you definitely need to go through our basic laser safety course.


As laser safety experts, at PCL we know the right products better than anyone else and we are the distributors of leading manufacturers of PPE and laser protection such as Protect Laserschutz, Laservision or Univet. We have the best catalog to be able to offer you what you really need.


More information: / +34 605 024 420


If you work with lasers, you might be interested in our laser power & energy sensors/meters.

No products in this category yet.
