Laser safety cabins & enclosures

Laser safety cabins & enclosures

At ProCareLight we have extensive experience in the design, manufacture, installation and certification of LaserKubik™ cabins and small laser safety and protection enclosures. We also design laser manufacturing cells or cells for laser processing, like a cabin for manual or robotic laser welding. As laser safety experts, at PCL we do not just put in some plates, whatever the laser, head focal length or application characteristics, we first assess the risks of your application configuration. Our team is made up of LSOs who will analyze the specific case with its specific circumstances in order to provide the most appropriate solution, always with laser protection as the first objective.

So if you just want a quick and cheap solution to get out of the way we will not be a good supplier for you because we are a good supplier of laser protection booths. If you want a job well done and with guaranteed laser safety then we are what you need.


At PCL we have different panels and materials to suit the need, and therefore the price to pay, in each case. The laser power, the focal length of the head or the distance to walls or ceiling will dictate the need for one material or another.

And as required by the regulations, if necessary, we can test the material with your laser.


Our LaserKubik™ laser safety and security cabins are fully customizable and can be equipped with the following elements, among others:
- openable roof
- different types of doors: hinged, sliding, motorized,...
- laser protection windows or CCTV system
- different openings and ducts (for ventilation, cable glands or others) protected by mailboxes and labyrinths
- safety interlock


With the power lasers reach (and rising), be aware that your application may require an active laser protection cabin: sensors automatically dismantle the laser if the laser beam reaches the walls or ceiling of the booth. They are expensive but sometimes the only option, especially if there is no monitoring of the laser process, unlike, for example, a manual laser welding cabin.


A passive laser safety cabin does not require (any?) maintenance, but active ones do: if one of the sensors is activated, it is necessary to replace it and it is therefore advisable to stock spare parts.


Normally, and depending on the complexity of the cabin, our installers will be the ones to carry out the installation. But in simple booths the installation can be done by the customer following the guidelines of the installation manual. Likewise, in OEM booths we will be happy to train your technicians so that they can take care of the subsequent cabins.


And finally, when the cabin is assembled and the laser system is working, PCL can make the report for the certification according to IEC (UNE-EN) 60825-4.

Remember that a 60825 certification is granted for a specific laser (or lasers) inside it. If you change the lasers (different wavelength, CW-pulsed operation mode, increase of power, ...) you will have to check again the validity of the cabin and in positive case re-certify it.


We also make laser protection and safety enclosures of small dimensions, such as laser processing cells in production lines. Or laser protection enclosures for optical tables, fully customizable to your needs in terms of holes, types of doors and gates, laser characteristics, etc., ..... Normally in these cases the panels used are UNE-EN 12254 certified.

We can also deliver windows and EN 12254 certified panels cut to size for you to make the fairing or enclosure for laser protection and safety.


More information: / +34 605 024 420


All our laser protection and safety products and services:
- goggles and helmets
- windows
- curtains and barriers
- cabins and enclosures
- clothing
- services: advice and consultancy
- training courses


If you work with lasers, you might be interested in our laser power & energy sensors/meters.

Reference Manufacturer
Laser safety cabins PCL-LaserKubik
Laser safety enclosures PCL-Cerramientos

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