Blue laser safety windows
Here you can find the full range of laser protection and safety windows that ProCareLight offers covering the blue range, for instance 445 nm, 450 nm or 488 nm.

Typical use cases are fairings, cabins and enclosures. But also for viewing from outside laboratories and rooms where every researcher or operator wears laser safety goggles.

In the upper button “Download file” you will find all the laser safety filters and standard window sizes for blue lasers, not only 450 nm. All of them of course with EN207 certification.

We propose laser protection windows in both plastic and glass materials. The plastic ones are easy to scratch but beware that if the glass ones have a dielectric coating, this can also be scratched, and the protection will be largely lost.

For plastic windows any size is possible (within an order) but glass windows are normally limited to 100 x 200 and 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4).

The glass offers, in general, greater protection and better visibility (VLT), always depending on the lambdas covered.

As laser safety experts, at PCL we know the right products better than anyone else and we are the distributors of leading manufacturers of PPE and laser protection such as Protect Laserschutz, Laservision or Univet. We have the best catalog to be able to offer you what you really need.

More information: / +34 605 024 420

All our laser protection and safety products and services:

- goggles and helmets

- windows

- curtains and barriers

- cabins and enclosures

- clothing

- services: advice and consultancy

- training courses

If you work with lasers, you might be interested in our laser power & energy sensors/meters.

Blue laser safety windows

Laser safety windows
Key features

- for blue lasers (eg 445, 450, 488 nm)

- CE certification and EN207 or EN12254 compliant

- wide range of D LB/AB, I LB/AB, R LB/AB, M LB/AB protection and VLT

- made of glass or plastics

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